Male & (MF) Capri Figs

Male & Male/Female pollen containing Capri Figs that may prove useful in breeding programs or improve flavors of nearby figs where the wasp exists.

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Apricot Jelly
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Slightly Elongated
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Danny Boy Caprifig
Beautiful purple stain
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Adam Apricot-M/F capri Scions/Cuttings (3 Cuttings/Scions)
* You may order this scion set but availability may vary and be limited. Typically ships within four weeks. Send us a message, we may have rooted trees available.

This interesting fig may prove to be very valuable to those wishing to pollinate their figs and enjoy tasty figs all in one season. Adam Apricot has a productive early breba crop of in-edible violet- colored male figs filled with pollen and wasps. The edible summer crop is a green yellow fig with an interior color ranging from pink to golden. The flesh of the almost fully ripe edible figs taste of honeydew melon. The riper figs taste of unmistakable apricot.The edible summer crop is very prolific. It appears that the edible crop has few seeds with some fruits containing zero seeds. It is likely that this is what we call a persistent capri fig. Offspring of persistent caprifigs will be more likely common, making it a very valuable resource for breeding experiments as well as tasty edible summer figs that have an apricot jelly like texture and taste. Please note that the edible main crop may require caprification or wasps to ripen. We dont know enough yet.
Apricot Jelly
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Grape Ape Capri fig Scions/Cuttings (3 Cuttings/Scions)
Need Fig pollen or a home for your wasps? These cuttings root easily. The male pollen sacs start green then turn purple upon "ripening". This fig is home to fig wasps and is not an edible fig as each contains pollen and wasps only. This is a male fig that was discovered as a seedling in the abandoned blueberry orchard where Rodgrod, Honey plum and Dulce de Leche were also found. I believe it is the "Daddy" to all of the common figs found in that field. Example of cuttings you will receive can be seen in last picture.
Slightly Elongated
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Danny Boy Caprifig
Danny Boy-Capri Fig (1 Cuttings/Scions)

Send us a message to check availability. We may also have rooted trees available.

1 Scion/Cutting

Sacred Origin's Danny Boy

Danny Boy is a new release by Sacred Origin. Not much is known about this capri fig at this time, but it shows some interesting qualities that may be of interest to breeders. Danny Boy is very prolific, creating figs on ever single node from the top to sometimes down to the bottom near the soil line. This fig becomes buzzing with tiny fig wasps and produces 3 reliable fig crops each year. The main crop is green with a slight purple blush and light colored interior.

Danny Boy produces an abundant Mamme crop ( green ) with an even more productive profichi crop in June- July.

Come time, millions and billions of tiny fig wasps will emerge from the mamme fig and enter the profichi.
By definition, a Mamme is a main crop fig which forms too late to ripen in the Fall and instead stays on and ripens in the Spring.

The profichi crop resemble edible figs, except they are filled with wasps and pollen-bearing stamens. This tree gets covered with wasps. This is an ancient tree.

****Caprifigs of Ficus carica produce three crops of syconia per year: the profichi which ripen in early summer; the mammoni which ripen in fall; and the mamme which overwinter on the tree and ripen in spring. The pollen-bearing profichi crop is used to pollinate the Calimyrna figs in June. The overwintering mamme crop house wasps through the cold winter months and are quite visible on the leafless branches. Female trees produce only two crops of syconia annually, a breba crop which ripens in early summer and a second (main) crop which ripens in fall. During the receptive (immature) summer stage, this second crop receives pollen from the mature caprifig profichi crop. Although caprifig syconia incubate and perpetuate the tiny fig wasp, seeds may also develop in the short-style flowers. This is especially true of mammoni syconia in which pollination (from profichi crop) results in some ovaries (without wasps) developing seeds with viable embryos."


Beautiful purple stain
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